Law of Conservation of Energy

In our previous blog of the series, we talked about ‘Energy’. Today we are going to discuss ‘Law of Conservation of energy’.

As we discussed earlier energy is capacity of doing work. Whenever a work is done, a form of energy must be involved. There are so many forms of energies like, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Electrical Energy, Thermal Energy, chemical Energy, Nuclear Energy, Sound Energy, Elastic Energy, and Gravitational Energy etc. We will discuss every single one of these in our upcoming blogs.

Conversion of energy from one form to another is very popular in nature as well as in real life. The thing is all different forms of energies are not accessible all the time at everywhere. Hence nature and human use any form of energy after converting it into required form of energy. Humans have been converting one form of energy into another since long-long ago.

Its Emilie du Chatelet who proposed and tested the law of conservation of energy for the first time in history. Sher proposed that, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.

According to this law, it is possible to convert any form of energy into another. She also answered the question, “what happens to the total energy of the system during or after the process of conversion?”. According to her proposal, as energy can’t be created or destroyed, total energy will remain constant during and after the process of conversion. Later James Prescott Joule verified and stablished this law experimentally.

Hence, no matter what source of energy you have, you can convert 100% of it into any required form. Just you need a right process and equipment.

That’s enough for today. As we have come across work and energy, it’s time to discuss about power. In our next blog we will discuss rate of doing wok which is also known as power. Until then, keep experimenting the law of conservation of energy and keep exploring.

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