In part 5 of this series, we mentioned gravitational force under the types of fundamental forces. Today we are going to discuss the basic introduction of gravitation.
In our everyday life we experience a number of activities, phenomena and incidents that happen under the influence of gravitation. We have observed that whenever a ball is thrown upward, it comes back to the ground. Anything dropped from some height, comes down to the ground. Things that hang on some height, when unhanged, tend to fall.
In all the above examples, things always come to the earth. In our previous blog of First Law of Motion we discussed that everybody tends to remain in state of motion or state of rest until an external force is compelled to change the state. According to this law, there must be some kind of force in action for all of these examples. Newton named this force as Gravitational Force. He defined gravitational force as “a force of attraction between two bodies due to their mass.” Any two bodies possessing some mass will attract each other. This force of attraction is directly proportional to the masses of the bodies. That’s why everybody on the earth is being pulled by the earth.
Even the revolution of satellites around the planets and revolution of planets around the sun is explained under the concept of gravitation. We will discuss this in detail in the blog of planetary motion. In our next blog we will discuss the universal law of gravitation. Until then, observe the gravitational phenomenon as much as you can and tell us in the comment box.