Classical Physics

Circular Motion

Circular Motion is defined as the movement of an object along circumference of a circle. Some examples of circular motion are motion of moon around the earth, motion of a satellite in a circular orbit around the earth and motion of a cyclist on a circular tract etc. In last episode, we talked about acceleration. We […]

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Rate of Motion

We have observed moving objects around us. From the observation we know that some objects move faster than other and some slower. For example, a man walks slower than a biker and a train run faster than a bike. In physics, there are two ways to measure the motion known as; Speed and Velocity.  To

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Liner Motion

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle had the view that all objects have a natural place like heavy objects wanted to be at rest on the Earth and the light objects like smoke wanted to be at rest in the sky and the stars wanted to remain in the heaven. He thought that a body is in its

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