Rate of Change of Motion

Before starting the topic, we need to understand that, there are two kinds of motion, we mentioned in our previous blog, known as Uniform Motion and non-uniform Motion.

Let’s suppose, a car is moving on a road. It covered 5 m distance in 1 second, 5 m in next one second and again 5 m in next one second. We can say that the car travelled equal amount of distance in equal interval of time. Hence, if the object cover equal distance in equal interval of time is called Uniform Motion.

Similarly, suppose a car is moving in traffic. It covers 2 m in 1 second, 5 m in next one second and 0 m distance in next 1 second. We can say that, this car travelled unequal distance in equal interval of time. Hence, when objects cover unequal distance in equal interval of time are known as Non-Uniform Motion.

Now let’s back to the topic. In an uniform motion velocity of any object remains constant. Hence, change in velocity per unit time is zero. But if the motion is non-uniform, the velocities keep changing with time. It has different value of velocity in different time interval. Thus, change in velocity in different time interval is not zero. To measure how much velocity is changed in any interval of time, we use the concept of acceleration.

Acceleration is the measure of the change in velocity of an object per unit time. Acceleration is calculated by dividing change in velocity from total time taken. To calculate change in velocity, simply subtract initial velocity from final velocity.

Where, v is final velocity and u is initial velocity.

A motion in non-uniform velocity, is known as accelerated motion. Acceleration is also subdivided into two categories: Uniform acceleration and non-uniform acceleration.

If an object travels in a straight line, and its velocity increases in a uniform rate, it is known as Uniform Acceleration and if an object is moving in a straight line and its velocity increases in a non-uniform rate, it is known as Non-Uniform Acceleration.

Furthermore, if the velocity of any object is decreasing, it is known as negative acceleration or Retardation.



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